Today I finished making five books! They had all been at various stages of partial completion, some for a painfully long time.
Four copies of Karori Sanctuary: Interleaving finally got their covers after being schlepped up and down the island naked for two months, two of them bound and two of them unbound. All that remains is to sign and number them. Karori is an open edition so I pretty much make them on demand, in batches of four or six or sometimes 12 when I'm really cooking. There's still another three close to finished. They are pretty consistently popular, especially selling from exhibitions so I was completely out of stock from being on the road so much this spring. Two of these latest copies are for the gift shop at the real Karori Sanctuary in Wellington. It's where I wrote the poem on my birthday last year. I've been trying to get them to stock the book for ages, and finally it's happening. That leaves two copies in stock right now, so if you want one, let me know and I can get it to you this week for $80NZ.
Did I tell you I am a volunteer doing research for the Orokonui Sanctuary, which is just in the beginnings of development modelled on Karori's success. It is pretty wonderful now, and I get to tramp around the research tracks every 2 weeks surveying birds living in the reserve now.