After a winter lull, Bethwyn and I are back in the swing of our collaborative altered book project, Frugal with the Breugal. We are being very good about completing unfinished books (of which we have many) before starting anything new.
The book I'm focusing on right now is our "A Man Owner's Manual" aka the Man Book. The base is a 1950's British car owner's manual altered with a 1960's men's hairdressing textbook and 1950s knitting patterns. Bethwyn is focusing on our companion Woman Book which is based on a gardening book and incorporates something from almost everything in our ever growing stock pile of sources. Our self imposed rule for these books is no colour but lots of sillyness. We seen no reason that anything we do should make sense.
PS Click on each photo to see the details.
Hilarious! What a brilliant project (and very good of you to finish uncompleted projects before starting something new...)
This is a charming and delightful project and I'm sure it's very good for you after all the beautiful sewing and interpreting you've been doing. Not that this isn't also a serious subject - I just love the way you're both dealing with it.
I love your altered book Meliors! The juxtaposition of texts and those gorgeous old images is so funny. I found a splendid two volume compendium 'Ladies Home Management'from the early 1950s recently that similarly cracked me up with its collection of helpful hints about thrifty ways to create a perfect home, and advice about how to keep hubby and kids happy while still taking the time to develop your own interests outside the home. Very illuminating stuff!
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