Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Teetering piles everywhere

This is a list of what I am currently reading, organised by location in and of piles around the house.

Bedside Pile:
Cave in the Snow by Vicki MacKenzie
At the Owl Woman Saloon by Tess Gallagher*
Survival: Species Imperative #1 by Julie E Czerneda*
How to Speak Fluent Lovey-Dovey in 11 Languages in 24 Hours by Karen Salmansohn
Love for All Seasons by Suzanne Innes Kent
Nova Scotia: New Scottish Speculative Fiction edited by N Williamson and A Wilson
Collapse by Jared Diamond

Fireside Pile #1:
The Penguin History of New Zealand by Michael King*
A Field Guide to the Insects of Britain and Northern Europe by Michael Chinery*
Keeping the Love You Find by Harvill Hendrix
Living the Life you Love (in ten easy step by step lessons) by Barbara Sher

Fireside Pile #2:
Water-colours, Pastels and Drawings in colour by Pierre-Augus Renoir*
The Works by Beryl Cook*
One Man Show by Beryl Cook*
Renoir by Francios Fosca*

Window Seat Pile:
Pilgrims : Becoming the Path Itself by Lena Herzog*
The Monk in the Garden (about Gregor Mendel) by Robin Marantz Henig*
No Time to Lose by Pema Chodron*
Atlas of Prehistoric Britain by John Manley*

Dining Room Pile:
Parihaka and Hatea River Reserves Management Plan by Whangarei District Council*
The Complete Idiot's Guide to the Talmud by Rabbi Aaron Parry

NB I'm more likely to stop reading a book because the book mark hasn't moved for weeks than I am to finish it. On the lists above, * indicates a bookmark has been moved in the past few days. Last night I put about ten books back onto the shelves having judged that I am done with them (for now). I am housesitting for a couple with a fantastic library and every day more books catch my eye and demand to be pulled off the shelves. I'm here for 5 more weeks and plan to dip into as many books as possible before I move on.
Note in Fireside Pile #2, my current preoccupation with paintings of fat ladies.

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