Thursday, May 19, 2005


It was postively balmy, almost sultry today. After spending most of the day writing a funding application for someone else (my new money making activity) it was a relief to get out and get moving. There seem to be lots more birds around at the moment. I saw three different kingfishers in different places, and there are great flocks of anonymous birds that this lovely blog could no doubt identify but all I can say is they are small and brown and noisy and there are lots and lots of them.

I met a friendly cow on the way back: not only did she not run away at my approach as most of them do, but she let me scratch the top of her head, and mooed loudly when I walked on.

It was a good walk for thinking some more about book I have been mulling and planning since before I moved here, tentatively titled An Atlas of Purua. Today those early thoughts about map making to develop a sense of homeplace coalesced with other recent interests such as my collections of possum bones, feathers and invertebrate shells; obsessive box making activies; an article about an exhibition of curio cabinets; and my newly developed web design skills. I envisiged making a cabinet containing: artifacts from the farm, a book of maps of my walks, a catalogue of related poems and a CD-ROM with links to this blog and my other web site- all elaborately cross referenced and hyperlinked. I have a couple of projects close to completion and then I think I will start on this one.


rachlovestheweb said...

sounds like a digital era "cabinet des curieux". V. big among the hoity-toity aristocratic classes in the 17th-18th centuries. A sort of cacaphonous assemblage of artifacts and oddities, that chatter amongst each other to tell the viewer a "story" about a far-off and exotic place...

zydeco fish said...

I can't remember the last time I read the word sultry, especially as it relates to weather. It's a good word, and underused, in my opinion.

Meliors Simms said...

Yeah! Rach, you hit the nail on the head, that is it exactly, but so much more knowlegably and articulately than I could say it, thanks. And of course my cabinet will be a mundane story about home. Sounds like you might have some special knowledge in this area? Care to share off line? xxM

Meliors Simms said...

Sultry and languid are two of my favourite words. I moved to Northland so I could use them more often.

Capacious is another good word, and I carry a big bag especially to engender opportunities for saying it.